Live your life's purpose
From the very beginning you have always been knowing and yet you are afraid to trust in yourself. So why can’t you believe that it’s true that you have always been knowing and aware.
All your dreams and desires (samskaras) all your struggles (karma) for expression they are all of what’s inside of you. Don’t be afraid to take chances dedicate yourself to changes you are what you are wanting to be.
Why live your life always dreaming and never believing that you were born to make dreams come true.
You are a beautiful source of the divine love that is living in you
Can you remember the child that was lost in confusion (inner conflicts). No-one would listen until you came of age. Then when you gained your freedom to do so as you like, the child in you had changed. Under social conditions (the mind is conditioned by parents and society) and religious superstition you no longer had faith
But if you could be still for one moment and look deep in your heart then you will know that what I say is true.
You are a beautiful source of the divine love that is living in you
Stand up for yourself and be true to your inner life then you will be special you will be happy you will be you. All of life will love you and your life will be full of purpose and meaning for you to do. The gift of expression is to fulfill your own life and living your life to the full
You are a beautiful source of the divine love that is living in you.
If you surrender your will with some vague aspirations that you’re God will have pity on you. Is only helpless frustration with the world all around and you are avoiding all that you are wanting to do. You will argue and defend and resist all that is freedom, it is your fear that won’t allow you to be free. Is your life to be wasted, will you die unfulfilled.
“For if one soul can be free then why not you and me”
“You are a beautiful source of the divine love that is living in you”
Swami Yogasagar